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renHälsa for PURE Health.

As we get older our bodies seem to not function as well as they used to. We gain unwanted weight eating the same foods, our bodies start aching in ways they never did before, we don't sleep as well, and exercising... well that... yeah... 

I noticed these things in my own body and have spent the last 2 and a half decades trying to figure out the keys to my own health, healing and wellness.

I am now 52 and feeling better than I did when I was 40!


The forming of has been many years in the making.

To start out, my husband Rob and I had a brick and mortar, retail store for 16 years and had to close it due to the changing climate of retail.


During that whole time, I myself, had been dealing with many health and autoimmune disorders, as well as Chronic Insomnia. I have learned much about natural health and healing over the last 20+ years as I tried to heal myself naturally.

I have tried many natural treatments, spent thousands of dollars and have learned a ton about health and healing and what REALLY WORKS and what DOESN'T WORK.


I have now finally figured out the main components of healing and wellness, and  have healed most of my 20+ years of chronic health issues as well as loosing 26 pounds while doing it!

I have always had the drive to share my extensive knowledge and help people with their own health issues, to help them get back to having a happier healthier life. 

In response to closing our retail store, we opened seeing the need of many people who have issues like I did with stress, anxiety and insomnia.  And now we have opened our second store!


With my extensive study in natural health and healing;

  • I can support people with their sleep, health and healing issues
  • I will be sharing my knowledge in blogs to help you
  • AND we offer amazing products that support sleep, health and pain.


I have partnered with some amazing herbalists and have formulated some premium products to support us as we age.

We created a multi faceted store to help us to age healthy and happy.


I wanted to create a new type of store; one that is personal and has a community and products that you can trust with pure and potent formulations to support you and your loved ones.


Face it, we are all wanting to live longer more healthy lives! come along with me on this journey. 

Take a look at the renHälsa website, and let’s do this second half of life together! 



-Kelle - Founder of &


PS: My healing story published in "Women's World Magazine" April 2019